Saturday, January 29, 2011

Synod event

I had the privilege of giving the opening keynote address at the annual COM-CPM Leadership Event for the Synod of Lakes and Prairies. They asked me to do a presentation on my sabbatical study last year, which is in a paper I've entitled "A New Church - A New Day." It was the first time I had an opportunity to go through my entire sabbatical study, rather than just presenting a piece of it to the Session, a piece of it to Presbytery Council, a piece of it to our Committee on Ministry, and a piece of it to the Presbytery as a whole. It got me excited again as I went back through my paper to prepare for the address.

My plan is to change my paper a bit, based on the discussions during my presentation at the Synod event. Then I want to get down to some serious editing, and begin to look for a place to get it published.

In the meantime, I hope to begin blogging my study paper, a bit at a time, until it's all on here.

I'd value any feedback, and look forward to sharing.