Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Felipe Martinez

On my way between Louisville and Chicago this spring, I stopped in Indianapolis to visit with Felipe Martinez. Felipe was a candidate under care of Blackhawk Presbytery years ago when I chaired that committee. He was an exceptional candidate, and became an outstanding pastor. He now is the Associate Executive Presbyter of Whitewater Valley Presbytery. Felipe is a native of Monterrey, Mexico, and I wanted to get his perspective on how churches might do things in new and different ways. Here are some of the things that Felipe shared with me during the course of our conversation.

Whitewater Valley Presbytery is in a partnership with a group headed by Stan Ott, called Acts 16:5 ( It is a program to help congregations consider how they are the church. What are they here to be and do? The Presbytery has entered into a contract with the group, and then invited congregations to participate. The cost is $1,300 per year, and about 14 churches are participating.

The Presbytery also is in an international partnership with a presbytery in CancĂșn. That Presbytery has a strong expectation of the leadership of their elders, which is something that the churches in WWV Presbytery are learning about.

Felipe mentioned that it might be worth looking at the Riverside Presbyterian Church in Sterling, Virginia ( They are a congregation that has intentionally chosen not to own a building. I will definitely follow up by contacting this congregation during this extended part of my sabbatical study.

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